International forum «Gear Solutions Forum», devoted to gear processing, took place in Minsk

International forum «Gear Solutions Forum» took place on October 5, 2017 with the support of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus and the leading supplier of complex technologies for gear production – Gleason company.

The event was dedicated to the up-to-date technologies of gear production, measuring and control. The Deputy Minister of Industry Serghej Gunko underlined during his welcome speech that gear production is a very important branch of metal working industry.

Within the framework of the Forum, the participants got an opportunity to find out more about the latest developments in the field of gear processing, learn about software innovations, ask direct questions to the developers of equipment, technologies and software.

The Forum was attended by the representatives of the biggest machine building enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, leading experts in metal working industry, representatives of the State Military-Industrial Committee, Science Academy etc. Total number of participants amounted to 250 people.

Press service of the Ministry of Industry

Published: 16.10.2017.