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Control and Measurements – 2017
“The art of measurement is a powerful weapon created by the human mind to penetrate into the laws of nature and subordination of its forces to our dominance” B. Ya. Jacobi
Measurements are one of the ways of knowing nature by man, uniting theory, with the practical activity of man. Measurements characterize the surrounding material world quantitatively, revealing the laws that are valid in nature.
We are once again glad to invite you to the European specialized forum “Control and Measurements – 2017”.
Innovations in the field of a control and measurement equipment, new measurement methods, an automation of the measurement process and many other unique materials!
Forum “Control and Measurements – 2017”
The date: 12.09.2017
City: Minsk (Belarus)
Address: Conference Hall (Minsk, Storozhovskaya, 15)
Participation in the forum is free.
In order to become a member, you must fill out the registration form.
We invite all comers to visit the already traditional forum “Control and Measurements-2017”! Here you will see world leaders in the production of a control and measuring equipment, such as Carl ZEISS IMT (Germany), Mitutoyo (Japan), Mapross (Italy) and Unitest Group (Russia) etc.
Sign up and participate, it will be interesting!