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What comes first… the Matter or Quality Assurance?
Everything that surrounds us is imperfect. The things could hardly run differently. In fact, even our planet doesn’t meet any allowable tolerances:
- deviation from circularity: 43 km;
- inequality of crust thickness: 125 km;
- surface irregularity Rmax = 11 km;
- surface temperature non-uniformity: 1600.
Enough said. Obviously, this product will never pass quality control. We face the faulty product of a global scale!
From the Old Testament sources we learn, who was responsible for this work and how many workdays were spent. The technology of Earth-making is also described in details. The same sources tell us that the last operation was as follows: “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good”. It means that after completing the work, God simply checked the result by sight and appreciated it, without relying on any measuring tool. This technology had two evident mistakes. Firstly, before the creation of heaven and land, it was necessary to include the following operation: “In the beginning God created Quality Assurance”. Secondly, the terminating operation should have been: “God saw that all that he had made met the requirements of technical documentation, and it was very good”.
More than 4 billion years have passed and much has changed since.
Nowadays the Quality Assurance Department is of key importance for any contemporary enterprise. Metrology has long been a high-tech and knowledge-intensive part of the production process; and metrologists are a kind of “elite troops” of the factory, which are engaged in an endless and irreconcilable struggle for quality.
Dear Metrologists! This news is for your special benefit! We invite all quality advocates to join us during the annual meeting of experts – Euroforum “Control and Measurements – 2017”. This year the range of participants becomes wider and includes the world-known companies – Carl Zeiss, Mitutoyo, Marposs and others.